Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Cancels Regular Meeting Set for March 19, 2020

In light of public health and safety concerns due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and in following the advice being provided by the Saskatchewan Regional Health Authority, the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners will cancel this month’s regular meeting, which was to be held Thursday, March 19th.

“Public safety is our number one concern,” said Darlene Brander, Chair of the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners. “We are in regular communication with the Saskatoon Police Service as they work to assess and to understand how COVID-19 could potentially impact public safety. As a Board, we will ensure the Service has the resources they need to address any public safety issues that arise.”

The Board has been assured by the Service that members are following the prevention measures being communicated by the Health Authority, such as following hand washing instructions, safe distancing, limiting travel, and voluntarily self-isolating should travel outside of Canada have recently occurred.

“While items from the March meeting will be moved forward to the next meeting of the Board, any governance issues that require immediate action will be addressed,” adds Brander.

Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Chair Darlene Brander at

Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Vice-Chair Carolanne Inglis-McQuay at

Leanne Nyirfa, Executive Director, Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, or 306-292-9868

Trevor Percy